Frequently asked questions

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

Where can I find The Template?

Our proprietary Trading Template can be found on Tradingview.com.

Can Trading Templates be automated?

Yes, however we do not offer the fully automated version. Fully automated trading requires a significant infrastructure investment and dedicated, redundant internet connections. Trading Templates acts as a guide and leaves the risk management up to the discretion of the individual trader.

What products does it work on?

Intraday US Listed equities, Futures and FX/Crypto.

Is Trading Templates available on other platforms?

Currently Trading Templates is only available on Tradingview.com.

How can I start using Trading Templates?

We offer monthly or annual license lease agreements. However, our capacity is limited and we typically interview our clients to make sure there is a good fit. Please send us and email and we can setup a time talk about how The Template can help you achieve your trading goals.

Does Trading Templates offer any other trading systems or methodologies?

Yes, however they will be revealed on a client-by-client basis. These systems will be custom tailored to the trader’s product choice, holding duration and individual style. Tell us about your trading, what products you trade, your desired holding period, etc., and we will work with you to custom build a strategy that fits your style.

What types of traders use Trading Templates?

Trading templates was designed for active day traders who like to trade with the trend.

When I subscribe to Trading Templates do I get the source code?

No, the source code remains proprietary and will not be show. However, clients get full access to all the benefits of Trading Templates signals, Heat Map Bars and Relative Value context.