About Us

High Quality Analytics Solutions

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

What you should know!

Trading Templates was specifically designed as an intraday short term trading tool using non time based charts.  You see, non time based charts help to avoid over trading during choppy low volatility periods and provide a cleaner overall market picture.  That said, non time based charts are not without their flaws.  For example, non time based charts typically do not back test correctly because incorrect fills on both entries and exits are common and slippage is difficult to accurately account for.  The good new is this really does not concern us as the template is fully discretionary and user results will always vary from trader to trader.  In real time, what you see is what you get.  Trading Templates is designed to work properly in real time on the highest quality of data tradingview.com has to offer down to the one second interval. 

For reference, we recommend using a non time based and time based charts simultaneously but only focusing on the signals generated by the non time based chart as to filter out the choppy or stagnant periods.  In addition, we never recommend trading a few minutes before or a few mins after key economic data releases.  Be patient, let the market settle and take the next signal.  We are not here to gamble but rather pick the low hanging fruit and let The Template guide us as it will do all the heavy lifting.

You are free to use Trading Templates as you choose, however we will provide you with a comprehensive guide designed to help users get the best results.  Please contact us!  We look forward to working with you.